Eduardo Saad-Diniz, Professor of Criminology at the University of São Paulo (Ribeirão Preto Law School and Latin American Studies), who is also a researcher at the Erasmus SuCCESS Project, presented a series of webinars and conferences on the social of deforestation focused in the Amazon Basin context.

Professor Eduardo Saad-Diniz, along with Prof. Ruth Estevão and Prof. Carla Ventura, presented the first approaches on  “Para uma criminologia da Amazonia” (“Towards an Amazonian Criminology”). The professor explained the urgent need to enhance the quality of the social control of the indiscriminate exploitation of natural resources in the Amazon Basin, as well as discuss the dimensions of social control of the deforestation in the region, investigating the root causes of socially harmful behaviour, the victimisation processes and the networks of actors that shape this “Criminology of the Amazon”. Since deforestation has already reached a tipping point, it is no longer just a matter of protecting the local environment; its impact affects the entire global climate justice. The meeting was hosted during April by the IEARP/USP (Instituto de Estudos Avançados and the AICLP (Associação Internacional de Criminologia de Língua Portuguesa).

For further details, you can check the conference here:

Very recently, in December, the researcher had also the opportunity to debate with local scholars and practitioners at the Public Prosecutorial Office of the State of Amazonas (Ministério Público do Amazonas – MPAM). In his speech “A Criminologia da Amazônia e o controle social do desmatamento” (Criminology of the Amazon and the social control of deforestation), he highlighted the need of a “new network of enforcement” to deal with “new network of criminals” that is operating in Amazon Basin. According to him, the social control of deforestation should be able to design much more sophisticated strategies to tackle the aggressive offensive against the Rainforest.

You can check more information about the event here:




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