Between the 27th of October and the 5th of November, the Portuguese Catholic University hosted a group of South American professors from Brazil and Peru in the scope of the SuCCESS project. 

The second of three mobilities of the South American professors to the European universities ended on the 5th of November at Portuguese Catholic University in Porto, Portugal.

The mobilities happen between October and November in the framework of the SuCCESS project and count with the participation of the professors from South America (6 from USP (Brazil), 2 from UFMG (Brazil), 2 from UNMSM (Peru) and 6 from UCSP (Peru). The main goal of these mobilities is to allow professors to participate in workshops related to Criminology and promote the exchange of knowledge between South American and European universities in Spain and Portugal.

The mobility at the Portuguese Catholic University in Porto, Portugal included debates and workshops on human rights and power, juvenile justice, substance use and addiction, and pedagogical strategies in criminology and a visit to the university and the prison in Porto.


The third and last mobility is taking place from November 7th until November 15th  at the University of Porto, Portugal. You can check the complete programme for this week here.

Stay tuned to know more about these mobilities!

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