As part of the ERASMUS+ SuCCESS project, which promotes the cooperation of South American and European Universities to further develop research and academic programs in criminology, the Universidad Católica San Pablo (UCSP) has recently put together the research group in criminology. The objective of the present group is to facilitate the creation and implementation of research associated with understanding criminal phenomena and developing effective strategies to change their current status

Although some of the professors of the UCSP, such as Renato Carpio de la Torre, Paula Delgado Cuzzi, Marcio Soto Añari, and Vladimiro Bedoya Perales, have previously been researching and encouraging their students to develop research studies in topics related to criminology and public safety, the creation of the present group will formally encourage members of the San Pablo academic community to participate in activities that the members hope will have a higher impact on how people perceive criminology and how knowledge around it is created.

Currently, three major lines of knowledge have been contemplated in the research group. Paula Delgado Cuzzi coordinates studies linked to family violence and trauma, Renato Carpio de la Torre develops studies on topics related to juvenile delinquency, and Vladimiro Bedoya Perales studies prevention and criminal deterrence. However, the members of the group hope that other lines of knowledge can be later developed.

The research group looks forward to implementing academic activities, where students, professors, and national or international guests can present their studies, where people from different standing points of knowledge in research can collaborate, and where research ideas can further develop.

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