Objectives of the project

SuCCESS aims at strengthening the South American teachers and researchers capacity and body of knowledge to develop and improve higher educational offers in the areas of criminology and public safety through the sharing of experience, knowledge and competences from European Universities (Portugal and Spain) and South American Universities (Brazil, Colombia, Peru).
SUCCESS has the following specific objectives:

  • Identify the training and research needs of teachers and researchers in South American universities for the update, improvement or development of new educational curricula and resources in the areas of criminology and public security, based in the latest research evidences and good practices, and so focusing on multidisciplinary approaches and preventive measures, responding to the needs identified in the national contexts to intervene;
  • Promote and consolidate a network of experts, teachers and researchers in the areas of teaching criminology and public safety to facilitate the effective knowledge transfer from European universities to South American universities, through the implementation of learning mobility, distance support and coaching.
  • Develop new curricula or improve existing study programmes on public safety and criminology at the undergraduate and graduate levels based in the latest research evidences and good practices, and focusing on multidisciplinary approaches and preventive measures, bridging research and social policies, and increasing the effectiveness of work in this field.
  • Support the creation of an online Euro-South American Interuniversity Cooperation Network for professional training and the management of criminological knowledge applied to public policies.
  • Create a thematic workshop programme that will complement the online Euro-South American Interuniversity Cooperation Network and enable the face-to-face cooperation activities for knowledge transfer and capacity building between teachers and researchers of South America and Europe.
  • Implement and test the improved and newly developed educational offers and educational resources in the South American universities.
  • Increase the quality and quantity of human capital (teachers, staff dealing with citizen security and crime prevention) devoted to knowledge in Criminology and Public Security, solving social and economic problems.

How will SuCCESS work what will be achieved?

SuCCESS will develop in three main phases. Each phase will produce results that feed the next one


State of the art and review of training needs in South American universities in the field of criminology and public safety

  • Establish the current development in academic terms, regarding postgraduate training and scientific research;
  • Detect teachers needs for the development of high-level postgraduate education with respect to each partner university;
  •  Identify key research topics at each university;
  •  Detect the institutions working in the fields of training and of their professionals at the level of training and in-depth study of the problems relating to each national/local context.

  • Comprehensive report on the state of the art for each South American university
  • Comparative report of the scenario in South America
  • Guidelines for improving the educational offer on criminology and public security in South American universities


Curricula reform (undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate levels) to improve existing offers and develop new ones

  • Create a network of teachers and researchers (based in learning mobility and distance coaching) seeking the development of educational curricula and resources to enrich postgraduate training programmes or the creation of new ones in the field of Criminology and Public Safety;
  • Create a research network on relevant topics articulated with the development of curricula in criminology and public security.
  • Compile relevant bibliographic, hardware and software resources to be used to deliver improved or new curricula and in the future collaborative network.

  • New and improved educational offers in criminology and public security in South American universities.
  • Creation and maintenance of a Euro-South American Interuniversity Cooperation Network.


Implementation and Evaluation of the Curricula designed

  • Implement curricular Units and/or Postgraduate Programs in the South American Universities through local teachers and classes given by European teachers (on-site, or distance learning).
  • Monitor the implementation of these programs through the Euro-South American Interuniversity Cooperation Network
  • Evaluate the process and the results to seek the sustainability of the study programmes.

  • Reviewed educational offers in the South American universities.

Who is SuCCESS for?

The work developed by SuCCESS is primarily for all those studying or working in the fields of criminology and public safety in South America and for those willing to develop their skills and work in these fields. Click in each box to see how the project will be useful for each target group

Higher education teachers and researchers
in the areas of criminology and public safety

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The need to develop teaching and scientific capacities in criminology and public security issues is transversal to all South American universities. Although in some of these universities several research groups have been working in the study of crime, violence, and the phenomena associated with crime and insecurity, the link between the several groups is important, and is still missing as a way to strengthening knowledge and specialized training as well as to promote effective knowledge transference and capacity building.

Higher education students

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Students will have access to modernized and up-to-date curricula and lessons and thus increase the chances of being high-quality professionals and address the gaps in their professional area.

Future higher education students

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The results of SuCCESS will make training in criminology more appealing to new students willing to embrace professional careers in the area of public safety and crime prevention/control.

Government officers in public security and Criminal Justice

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This group includes, e.g.  prosecutors, defence public lawyers/attorney, judges, national directors from citizen security and criminal policy, prison officers and police forces officers. They will have new approaches and scientific-based evidences on crime prevention and control, offender treatment, recuperation of crime victims, etc., so that a focus of the policies and actions is the prevention instead on punitive actions.

Professionals of the sector willing
to improve their skills and performance

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The modernization of the educational offers in criminology and public security will allow professionals to return to academy for up-skilling and re-skilling, gaining innovative knowledge to improve their performance, contributing to change mindsets and applying multidisciplinary approaches more focused in prevention.

Other stakeholders

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Other stakeholders will be target and involved in the project, e.g. General Attorney Offices, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Education; Ministry of Interior, National Police forces, National Penitentiary institutes, Public correctional Facilities and Prevention crime agencies, among others.

Citizens in general

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Will be the ultimate beneficiaries as better prepared professionals in the area of criminology and public security will contribute to the decrease of current crime rates and feeling of insecurity.

Which organisations are working together in SuCCESS?

The Consortium of SuCCESS is led by University of São Paulo (Brazil) and involves other academic partners from Brazil, Peru and Colombia. From the European side, the consortium includes academic partners from Spain and Portugal, as well as a non-academic partner from Portugal. Get to know each partner better by clicking in the name of each organization below.

University of São Paulo - USP, Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters of Ribeirão Preto (Universidade de São Paulo – Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto) - Brazil

The University of São Paulo (USP) is a public university, maintained by the State of São Paulo and affiliated with the State Secretariat of Economic, Scientific and Technological Development. It is the largest and most important university in the country. Various world rankings, created to measure the quality of universities according to various criteria, particularly those related to scientific productivity, have widely recognized the talent and dedication of USP professors, technical staff and students.  USP brings together several Academic Units on different campuses. The Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters of Ribeirão Preto (FFCLRP) is one of these Units. FFCLRP is in tune with the mission of the University of São Paulo and aims to train well-qualified professionals, generate scientific and technological knowledge and, whenever possible, produce an extension of this knowledge to society. It is structured in seven Departments: Psychology, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Computation and Mathematics, Education, Information and Communication and Music. Regarding the themes of the project, FFCLRP stands out for its role in the development of investigations and educational programs related to criminal violence / violence, since it has departments such as Psychology and Chemistry, with dedicated professors and researchers to the area for a long time.

Contact persons:
Board of FFCLRP: diretoria@ffclrp.usp.br
Marina Rezende Bazon: mbazon@ffclrp.usp.br
Sonia Regina Pasian: srpasian@ffclrp.usp.br

San Marcos University - UNMSM (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos) - Peru

San Marcos University is the most representative university in Peru. It was founded on May 12, 1551 and its functions began with the Faculties of Theology and Art. Nowadays, it presents 20 faculties, 66 Undergraduate schools, 130 Master programs and 34 Doctorate programs in the following areas of knowledge: basic sciences, humanities, legal and social sciences, health sciences, economic and management sciences and engineering. Throughout its history, it has been recognized as a trainer of competent, responsible, ethical and respectful professionals and researchers of cultural diversity. Generate and disseminate scientific, technological and humanistic knowledge. It is committed to the sustainable development of the country and the protection of the environment. Currently, it has set out to become a research university to establish firm and adequate foundations for the country’s multicultural and heterogeneous reality.

Contact persons:
Dra.  Lupe García  lgarciaa@unmsm.edu.pe
Juan Diego  Zamudio  cooperatec.ogcri@unmsm.edu.pe

San Pablo Catholic University- UCSP (Universidad Católica San Pablo) - Peru

San Pablo Catholic University is an academic community animated by the teaching and life of the Catholic Church that, in the light of faith and with the effort of reason, seeks the truth and promotes the integral formation of the person through activities such as research, teaching and outreach, to contribute to the configuration of culture according to the identity and deployment of the human being.

UCSP has 23 years of experience in the education sector and is accredited by the Peruvian government. It is located in Arequipa, the second most important city of Peru, with an enrolment around 8,000 students in its twelve Undergraduate programs: Business Administration, Accounting, Law, Education (Early and Basic Education), Psychology, Computer Science, Industrial Engineering, Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Electronics Engineering and Telecommunications, Mechatronics Engineering and Architecture and Urban Planning.

UCSP seeks to be the protagonist of integral and solidary development at the national and international level, offering a service to the world that is organic, structured and reflects our identity. For just over 10 years, UCSP through Direction of International Relations and Cooperation (DRIC) together with the Research Department (DI) have generated an increasing international activity with various international programs and projects.]

Contact persons:
Marcio Fernando Soto Añari: msoto@ucsp.edu.pe
Renato Carpio De La Torre: rcarpio@ucsp.edu.pe

Federal University of Minas Gerais - UFMG, Centre for Crime and Public Safety Studies - CRISP (Centro de Estudos de Criminalidade e Segurança Pública da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais) - Brazil

CRISP/UFMG was established in 1996 with three main objectives: production of qualified information on crime, public safety and criminal justice; training of human resources; and development, monitoring and evaluation of public policies.

Over more than two decades, the centre has become a reference in geo-referencing crime events, contributing to a greater use of hotspot policing. The studies carried out by the institution are also a reference in the field of juvenile justice, criminal justice and management of the prison and juvenile systems. Thousands of police officers and municipal guards attended the training courses offered by CRISP/UFMG. It was also responsible, through the graduate program in sociology, for graduating distinguished criminology professors at universities in Brazil and the United States.

CRISP/UFMG is prominent in the development of public policies in Minas Gerais, later recognized nationally and internationally. Fica Vivo!, aimed at reducing youth homicides, was later incorporated by the government. In almost 10 years, this program has saved more than 650 lives in the poorest and most violent areas of the state. IGESP, based on Compstat, is a methodology for articulating and managing police organizations, with promising results in reducing crime rates. It is a successful initiative replicated in several Brazilian states.

Contact persons:
Ludmila Ribeiro: ludmila.ribeiro@crisp.ufmg.br
Cláudio Beato: claudiobeato@crisp.ufmg.br

Santo Tomás University – USTA ( Universidad Santo Tomás) - Colombia

The Santo Tomás University -USTA- is a private, non-profit Catholic Higher Education Institution of national nature. It is present in five cities of the country with offices and branch offices in Bogotá, Bucaramanga, Medellín, Tunja and Villavicencio in the face-to-face mode and 23 University Care Centres (CAU) in the open and remote mode. It is recognized with high-quality multi-campus institutional accreditation by the Ministry of National Education.

USTA-Bogotá has twenty undergraduate academic programs, including a recognized law program with high-quality accreditation. It has four research groups, of which three are in the highest category recognized by Sciences, “A1” and one group in “A”.

Five master’s degrees are attached to the USTA-Bogotá law degree, among which is the Master’s Degree in Criminal Law, which also has high-quality accreditation. Training in the Master in Criminal Law involves three fields of knowledge: 1. Criminal dogmatics, 2. Criminology and criminal policy, and 3. Criminal procedural law. The Master’s Degree has professors who develop impact projects in the design of criminal policy, criminal and prison policy.

Contact persons:
Diana Maite Bayona Aristizábal: dianabayona@usantotomas.edu.co
Aura Helena Peñas Felizzola: aurapenas@usantotomas.edu.co

Antonio Nariño University – UAN (Universidad Antonio Nariño) - Colombia

Antonio Nariño University is a private, secular, non-profit Higher Education Institution of national order. Founded in 1976, it has high quality accreditation by the Ministry of National Education. To fulfil its objective of democratizing knowledge, being inclusive, innovative and excellent in its academic, scientific and social processes, UAN is present in 26 cities through 31 headquarters and more than 160 undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in the areas of Health, Engineering, Economic Sciences and Human Sciences. It has more than 90,000 graduates and 1,600 highly qualified teachers. UAN ranks among the 10 best universities in Colombia in research and scientific production: it is the first young university in scientific production in SCOPUS, the third university in Innovation Rank 2019, and the fifth in CWUR 2019-2020.

In the field of law, it places an emphasis on criminal law around criminal and procedural rights and guarantees, criminalization and prosecution of supranational criminal offenses, international instruments and state obligations against criminal prosecution of serious crimes, international criminal jurisdictions and processes of transitional justice. UAN considers environmental criminology relevant, from a criminological vision of the south, since it offers an innovative, refreshing and promising perspective on the world criminological panorama. From a non-conservative analysis, it seeks to generate knowledge that is aware of the contextual and spatial differences of the knowledge production site.

Contact persons:
Carolina Cuartas: coordinador.cooperacion@uan.edu.co
Jinyola Blanco: decano.derecho@uan.edu.co

University of Granada – UGR (Universidad de Granada) - España

The UGR (1531) is a public multidisciplinary university with around 56,000 students, 3,600 professors, 1,900 technicians, 27 faculties, 124 departments, 15 research institutes, 400 research groups, 62 degrees, 102 official master’s degrees and 28 doctoral programs organized in three large doctoral schools.

The UGR considers internationalization as one of its strategic objectives. Every year more than 4,800 international students choose the UGR to do a full study programme or integrate one of the approximately 800 exchange agreements in which the UGR participates. In 2007, the UGR received the Erasmus Gold Star Award in recognition of its contribution to the program.

In addition, the UGR has played an essential role in the main European university networks, belongs to other international networks such as UNIMED, USA, IAU, AUIP or AUF, and has relevant strategic links with universities around the world, such as the Ivy League Consortium for Advanced Study Abroad (CASA) led by Brown University.

Currently, the UGR occupies the 3rd place in Spain according to the Shanghai ranking (2019) and is the first university in southern Spain with 34 disciplines located among the top 500 in the world. Among his latest achievements is the leadership of the “European Alliance Arqus”, one of the first 17 European Universities financed by the Erasmus + program of the European Commission.

Contact person:
Miguel Olmedo: molmedo@ugr.es

Miguel Hernández University – UMH (Universidad Miguel Hernández) - Spain

UMH is a young university committed to continuing to incorporate innovation and excellence in order to further climb the ranks of the best in its sphere. According to various university quality indicators, the UMH is among the best in Spanish universities in terms of innovation and technological development, teaching and industry, innovation and infrastructure. The UMH offers 26 degrees, two double degrees and 50 Master’s degrees, including a degree in Public and Private Security and two master’s degrees specializing in criminology. The UMH has a research centre, Crímina Centre, dedicated to the study and prevention of crime, comprising investigators from different fields, such as criminology, psychology, law and philosophy among others, as well as police and security professionals. The centre’s lines of research are equally varied, including the analysis of crime and crime mapping, situational prevention, modelling of the human factor in crime and security, profiling of offenders and victims, legal and legitimacy studies, and the perception of security, among others.

Contact persons:
Fernando Miró Llinares:  f.miro@crimina.es
Francisco Javier Castro: fj.castro@crimina.es

University of Castilla-La Mancha – UCLM, Criminology Research Centre - Spain


UCLM is a young university, with a high teaching and research potential. It has four campuses located in four cities: Albacete, Ciudad Real, Cuenca and Toledo. It is a modern, competitive institution, which hosted 25.265 students, 2.558 lecturers and researchers and 1.125 administrative and services staff members during the academic course 2018-2019. This implies having a great human capital at the institution, making it a smart option for those who wish to improve their lifelong learning and also for international students who chase their academic, vital or language enrichment. UCLM integrates 36 academic departments offering 60 degree qualifications, including a degree in Criminology and a master’s degree in Criminology and Juvenile Delinquency.

The Criminology Research Centre at the University of Castilla-La Mancha was created; in 1999 as a result of the work being carried out by the professors and researchers linked to the Research Group on Criminology & Juvenile Delinquency and other professors who had They have developed empirical research in the criminal criminology field. Since then the Centre has been in charge of promoting criminological investigation at a regional, national and European level through its participation in different competitive calls, which have allowed him to develop and strengthen his lines of research. Since its birth, the Centre was born with a strong vocation to transfer knowledge to society, trying to ensure that all the scientific production of their research manages to influence and transform decision-making in the professional sphere and in the sphere of politics.


Contact persons:
Esther Fernández Molina: esther.fdez@uclm.es
Almudena Sánchez Gonzáles: ope@uclm.es

Portuguese Catholic University – Porto – UCP (Universidade Católica Portuguesa – Porto) - Portugal

Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP) is a research university characterized by a humanist vision committed to contribute to knowledge and to the well-being of society. In addition to the commitment to fundamental research, the University is recognized for the social impact of its research agenda and for its contribution to the formulation of policy.

At Porto, UCP comprises several Faculties and Research Centres. The numerous scientific, cultural, social and academic activities, and the coexistence on campus of various areas of knowledge, make the UCP at Porto an open, active and lively community.

The Faculty of Education and Psychology offers quality teaching in the fields of Education and Psychology and, through the Research Centre for Human Development, develops research that intends to contribute to the emerging societal challenges of our times. The Law School, which is one of the country’s most prestigious ones, offers academic degrees in the field of Law and develops high quality research through its Catolica Research Centre for the Future of Law. Together, both faculties have been promoting research in the field of Juvenile Justice; they cooperate in the teaching of Forensic Psychology, Criminal Law, and Psychology of Justice and Deviant Behaviour.

Contact persons:
Raquel Matos: rmatos@porto.ucp.pt
Nuno Afonso: nafonso@porto.ucp.pt

University of Minho – UM (Universidade do Minho - Portugal

The University of Minho (UM, UMinho) was founded in Braga in 1973 and was part of the so-called “New Universities” group that came to change the panorama of higher education in Portugal. It started its academic activities in 1975/76. The university is governed by a rectory, composed of a rector and a general council, and five internal units that are grouped by areas of intervention in the various internal entities. It has about 20,000 students and 1 300 teachers, distributed by undergraduate, masters, postgraduate and doctoral degrees.

“UMinho is a reference in high quality teaching and learning, not only for Portuguese universities, but also for European and World universities. (…) The Evaluation Committee considers UMinho to be one of the best examples in Europe in the implementation of the structure of Bologna” [Evaluation Report of the European University Association (USA)]. In 2012, the newspaper The Times considered the University of Minho among the 400 best academies in the world. In the 2017 edition of the Shanghai Ranking, the institution was classified in the range [401-500]. On January 13, 2016, it has the status of public foundation under private law.

It has eight schools and four institutes, in addition to multiple research units (some with worldwide projection), alongside diverse cultural units and several libraries. The facilities at the University of Minho are divided between the cities of Braga and Guimarães.

Contact persons:
Conde Monteiro: cmonteiro@direito.uminho.pt
Rui Abrunhosa: rabrunhosa@psi.uminho.pt

University of Porto – UP (Universidade do Porto) - Portugal

Founded in 1911, the University of Porto (U.Porto) is a benchmark institution for Higher Education and Scientific Research in Portugal and one of the top 200 European Universities according to the most relevant international ranking systems. U.Porto combines high quality education focused on individual vocations and talents as well as market needs with the claim to being the greatest birthplace of science in Portugal. It is committed to converting into social assets the talent and innovation from its 14 faculties, one business school and over 50 research centres.

U.Porto has the richest academic community in Portugal and brings together the country’s highest ranked students, a highly qualified scientific and teaching staff and a growing number of international students, teachers and researchers. It is fully equipped campus embedded within the city guarantees an optimal academic, scientific, and also social and cultural experience. Being open to the community and business is the main trademark of U.Porto. The University is itself an important driving force for economic, social, cultural and scientific development in Northern Portugal and in the country as a whole. U.Porto creates leaders, promotes innovators and encourages entrepreneurs. In short, it trains people who can make a difference in their communities.

Contact persons:
Jorge Negreiros: jorgeneg@fpce.up.pt
Hugo Morales: hugomorales@fpce.up.pt

INOVA+, Innovation Services - Portugal

INOVA+, created in 1997, is the leading company in Portugal in promotion and management of international projects of Innovation, Education and Training and Research and Technological Development.  With offices in Belgium, Portugal, Germany and Poland, INOVA+ delivers highly specialized services in research exploitation, technology transfer and innovation management to clients in public administration, research and private businesses, as well as training solutions.

The International Cooperation Unit at INOVA+ is specialised in the management of international projects, development of innovative methodologies, promotion of work-based learning (WBL) and apprenticeships at national and European level. Our services and activities include monitoring of opportunities, partner search, proposal writing, project management and coordination, research and needs analysis, policy analysis, curricula design, networking, evaluation, event planning and organization, communication and dissemination, exploitation and transfer of results. A highly experienced certified training unit assures the capacity to respond to specific challenges in at national and EU level. Specific competences in the field of education and training include: needs assessment and skills mismatch; design and development of training solutions, competences profiles, training courses, training materials; assessment and evaluation of training courses.

Contact persons:
Pedro Costa: pedro.costa@inova.business
Ana Ribeiro: ana.ribeiro@inova.business

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