The SuCCESS team is delighted to announce that the report on the results of the analysis of training needs in Criminology and Public Security in Latin America has been published on the website as well as the needs analysis report of each partner university in Latin America.

The first report is a summary of the final results on the detection of needs of Latin American universities and the degree of adjustment with the core competencies of European universities, which constitutes one of the objectives of the first part of the project (Needs Analysis and preparing the soil). In addition, the outcomes of this report were taken into consideration for the development of the mobility plan, when designing the training programs for the partners of the Latin universities, and the improvement of the academic curricula of the next phases of the SuCCESS project.

Each Latin American university that is part of the project – Universidad Antonio Nariño (Colombia), Universidad Católica de San Pablo (Peru), Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (Peru), Universidad Santo Tomás (Colombia), Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (Brasil), Universidade São Paulo (Brasil) – also developed their own needs analysis report in their own national language. These reports include details on methodology, data analysis, and conclusions, as well as an explanatory and comprehensive executive summary in English.

Follow the link to see the summarized report and the individual needs analysis report of each Latin American university:

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